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Future Blog Post

less than 1 minute read


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Blog Post number 4

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 3

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 2

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.

Blog Post number 1

less than 1 minute read


This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.



The Dark Web Privacy Dilemma

Published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2023

Recommended citation: Chen, Z., Meng, X., & Wang, C. J. (2023). The dark web privacy dilemma: linguistic diversity, talkativeness, and user engagement on the cryptomarket forums. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-11.

Globalization in International Tensions

Published in Chinese Journal of Communication, 2024

Recommended citation: Sun, Y., Yan, X. F., Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Chen, Z.*, & Wang, C. J.* (2024). Globalization in international tensions: the impact of military conflicts on the cultural orientations of multinational corporations’ advertising in modern China (1932–1937). Chinese Journal of Communication, 1–19.

